Sunday, November 14, 2021

Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, Thursday, November 11, 2021

Alison, Annie, Brad, Caroline, Dick, Salinda, Karen, Claudia, Jane, Kris, Charlene, Shirley, Monique and Valerie were treated to a sunny Veterans Day at Oak Hill Cemetery. Flags were flying on a busy day with many visitors paying respects to family members. At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month we heard the a trumpet play taps to honor those who served.


THU, DEC 2: Patchen Old Town Tree Farm, Santa Cruz

THU, DEC 16: Central Wholesale Nursery, San Jose


For additional information about these paint sites check out the SCVWS Newsletter or Website

Photos of Artists, Artwork and Paint Site

Annie's watercolor of Taps trumpeter 
I saw a man walking through the old veterans graves.
He was carrying a trumpet and soon he lifted it and
began playing Taps. It was such a moving sight that
I asked if he would let me paint him ~ Annie

Guardian Angel by Caroline

Alison's of the Oak Hill Memorial Park on Veterans Day

Brad's watercolor of Veteran's Day Flag Salute at Oak Hill Memorial Park
What a perfect day of plein air painting we all enjoyed:  Sunny, warm, almost windless, well maintained green lawns, the changing/yellowing sycamore trees, and rows of flags in the Veterans section made for a special milieu that begged to be painted and, especially since it was Veterans Day, contemplated.    At 11:00 AM, altho' there were no special ceremonies, Taps were played and could be heard where most of us set up ~ Brad

Claudia's painting of the flag display from a different angle

Dick's watercolor of Oak Hill Memorial Park.
(Dick and Salinda painted from a spot high above the park)

Salinda's painting from the same spot with an expanded view of the park

Karen's painting of shade trees (beautifully 
pruned for our benefit) 

Shirley painting the Fountain of the Apostles

Paintsites Artists at Oak Hill Memorial Park on Veterans Day

Paintsite Member Artwork painted at another location

At Gate One at Brisbane Marina by Shirley