Sunday, May 19, 2013

Alviso Marina, Saturday May 18th 2013

A perfect day to paint. A light breeze off the bay at Alviso Marina made it comfortable, but also forced our Saturday artists to lay down their washes quickly before they dried before their eyes.  A good turnout bodes well for the continuation of week-end paint-outs. Dick

Dick Zunkel

Uma Kelkar
As always, many thanks to the organizers and volunteers - for weekend paint warriors like me, the weekend paintsites is a lifeline. So, to have Dick and others step up while Rajit is away gives me immense pleasure! Thank you. Now, turning to the subject of painting. Alviso - an unknown jewel! I had worked off Great America Parkway for years and had never turned left after exiting 237! Without much tree cover, the exalting views at Alviso were also exasperating. The wind, the relentless sun(and we are only in spring) wrapped up each of my watercolor sketches under 40 minutes. Whether I liked it or not. While the other courageous artists turned to paint the marshes, the strong sun made me turn my back to it. I have painted a spot that captures an abandoned cannery, a newly constructed, 49ers stadium, the abandoned mercury mines atop the blue hills afar, the parking in Alviso, a place that is still sinking - all around Silicon Valley the place where most number of startups reside. I couldn't help but be amused by the juxtapositioning of these contrasting elements. Uma

Bonnie Sandler
What a wonderful discovery it has been to go to these paintsites and find so many places I never new existed before! My husband and I returned to Alviso the next day for a long walk. Fabulous! And of course its exciting to see what everyone else chose to paint. What a lot of creativity in this group! Bonnie.

Anna Jacke

This was my first time in Alviso. I never knew much about South Bay history until driving along Elizabeth and Hope Streets.  The Bayside Cannery first caught my attention as did the several unique house fronts dotting the baylands and trails at the Alviso Marina County Park.  I enjoyed the views and was able to complete 4 small paintings by mid-afternoon. Anna

Jean Massey
My niece said "Only an artist sees beauty in decay."  Stained cement walls and falling wood provide a bird refuge. Jean

Brad Santos
I'm always intrigued by the rolling, folded, golden & creased East Bay hills as seen from popular paintsites in the Palo Alto Baylands, Mt. View's Shoreline Park and, best of all, from Alviso; more so than by the nearly uniformly verdant West Bay hills.     It was a perfect day to paint them.     Brad

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