We had another excellent turnout for this paintsite. A combination of Mediterranean Revival style buildings and beautiful old trees belie the tragic history of Agnews. (It was once a hospital for the insane). Today it forms part of a lovely campus for Oracle America Inc.
Laurie Barna |
Ann Foster |
Anna Jacke |
Agnews offered may wonderful structures to paint with perspective challenges. The architecture and unique mosaic patterns of brick were intriguing. I would definitely return to that site to paint again. Great choice! Anna.
Mike Rogan |
Sylvia Waddell |
I have painted the buildings before, so it was the reflections in the windows that grabbed me this time. I loved the brickwork, and it was fun to incorporate that into my sketch.
Brad Santos |
A bit of a grey day at Agnews but we had a choice of four wonderful, eclectic, early 20th Century buildings in a parklike setting to paint. So lovely was it that It was somewhat difficult for me to reconcile the serenity of the grounds with the many sad stories associated with the facility over its long history. An unusual part of the day was that few of the numerous convention or event participants wandering the grounds exhibited much interest in our painting --- unusual in that normally there's lots of interest (or at least peeking) at what we're doing. Brad.
Dick Zunkel |
If you like Dick Zunkel's wonderful loose style with pen and watercolor - look out for his demo at our paintsite on April 19th!
I love all of the work! Can't wait for Dick's demo. I posted my own Agnews pieces on my blog. It was another wonderful day for the plein air aficionados.