Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saratoga History Park Museum, Thursday, September 14, 2017

Saratoga History Museum is housed in a Western Falsefront store, one of the oldest commercial buildings in Santa Clara and originally built on Big Basin Way.  The McWilliams House is one of the oldest homes in Saratoga -- perhaps dating to the 1850's.  Both buildings were moved to their current locations in 1976 as part of the American Bicentennial celebration, creating the Saratoga History Museum.  There is a tiny schoolhouse behind the McWilliams house. Next door is the historic Village Library (now operated by the Saratoga Friends of the Library) where at least one artist got terrific bargains on some art books. The weather was perfect for outdoor painting, sunny and just the right temperature.

Link to Saratoga History Park

Saratoga Historical Park Museum

Salinda, Dick, John, and Helen painting in the shade of umbrellas

Salinda's painting of McWilliams House

Dick's painting of McWilliams House

John's painting of McWilliams House

Helen's painting of McWilliams House


Grace's painting of McWilliams House


Annie's painting of McWilliams House


Broncha's painting of McWilliams House


Benay's painting of pump and roses

Benay's closeup of rosebuds


Toni's painting of tree behind museum

Marilyn made up her own color scheme in her painting of schoolhouse


Lorraine's painting of schoolhouse and back of McWilliams House

Lisa and Anu

Lisa's painting of Village Library and Schoolhouse

Anu's painting of Village Library and Schoolhouse


Susan's painting of Village Library

Behind the library is a very pleasant place to set out and admire our artwork

The artists gather to eat lunch and socialize

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