We've met at a number of locations on Stanford Campus over the years, including the Cantor Museum and the Cactus Garden, but the main Quadrangle (more often referred to as the Quad) has become a favorite December paintsite. The combination of having quiet unobstructed views facilitated by the students' Winter break and sheltered arcades in case it rained was a definite drawing card for choosing this location. It turned out to be a beautiful cloudless day (no need for shelter from the rain) and in case anyone should doze off, there was the added bonus of a cool breeze from the Northwest.
Stanford University is a popular attraction for visitors because of its distinctive architectural look. The idea of the Quad with radiating sight lines was proposed by the renowned architect Frederick Law Olmsted in his 1888 masterplan and was further refined to include Romanesque style features such as that seen in the rounded low arches of the walkways, or the California Mission style architecture as seen in the buff-colored sandstone walls (quarried in San Jose) and red tiled roofs.
For more information about the Stanford Quad see:
Best Wishes for the New Year!
Upcoming Paintsites. See the SCVWS website or the December and January Newsletters for details.
- Thursday, Jan 3, Alum Rock Park, San Jose
- Thursday, Jan 10, Bernal Gulnac Joice Ranch, San Jose
- Thursday, Jan 17, Los Altos Redwood Grove
- Thursday, Jan 24, Location to be announced
- Thursday, Jan 31, Downtown Pleasanton and CWA Exhibit
- Wednesday, Jan 9; Last day to sign up for Annual Holiday Party
- Saturday, Jan 19; Annual Holiday Party with theme "Under the Sea"
Shows & Exhibits by Paintsites Regulars:
- Annie Haines and John Ediger each have two paintings in the California Watercolor Association's "Explore Color / Discover Color" exhibit at Dominican University, 50 Acacia Ave, San Rafael. John's painting "Red Barn" won the 2nd place award. The show runs through January 31, 2019. (Official website: https://www.californiawatercolor.org/gallery.php?cat=95
- Tiangong Liu's painting "Low Tide" has been accepted in the California Watercolor Association's 49th National Exhibition to be displayed Jan 11 - Feb 16, 2019 at the Harrington Gallery, Firehouse Arts Center, 4444 Railroad Ave, Pleasanton. We will view this exhibit on January 31. (Official website: https://www.californiawatercolor.org/index.php )
- Elaine Goldstone’s Botanical watercolor paintings are currently on display in the 1st annual Artist Showcase at the Pacific Art League in Palo Alto - 668 Ramona Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 (650) 321-3891 info@pacificartleague.org Monday - Friday 9AM to 5PM, Saturday from 10AM to 2PM. Elaine's Hachiya Persimmon painting sold on the 1st night! The show runs until January 28, 2019.
Also coming up: The SCVWS Annual Holiday Party: See SCVWS website Home page links (left of the green seahorse) for details. And remember to bring a 4" X 6" painting of a sea shell for the Painting Exchange.
Artists and their artwork:
Benay's painting of the east side of the Quad |
Brad's painting of the walkway and Hoover Tower in the background |
Broncha's painting |
Gina's painting of the Hoover Tower |
Gina's painting of the Memorial Chapel roof tops |
Jane P |
Jane P's painting of the west side of the QUAD |
Jayne S |
Jayne's watercolor sketchbook page |
Lauren |
Lauren's painting of the west side of the Quad |
Lorraine |
Lorraine's painting of a walkway and the Hoover Tower |
Marilyn |
Jane S's watercolor of an archway column |
Jo's pencil sketch of section of Quadrangle |
Marilyn's painting of walkway |
Paintsites group photo |
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